Monday, July 30, 2012

Me & Mom

MM is so whitey because she is an Australian-Filipino baby girl ;)

"Now you know where I got my beauty from!!!" - MM

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Bathing the Guinea Pigs

Guinea pigs have a babyish scent :)  if you properly take care of them - i.e. cleaning their cage, replacing their bedding, and making sure that they have a proper diet with hay, pellets, and vegetables.

They clean themselves everyday too.  But even so, they will feel cleaner when you give them a bath every 4 months like I do. 

My guinea pig babies have their bath so that I can maintain their shiny and soft fur.  It could also help them feel better from the humid weather.  Guinea pigs should also take a bath if you see lice.  They are not allowed to take a bath for like a month if you've just used an anti-lice spray on them.  So before spraying that on them, give them a nice warm bath.

You should not give your guinea pig a bath every week or monthly.  Like dogs, frequent bathing can remove the natural oil of their fur, and make their skin irritated or dry. They might also get cold.

Here's how I give them a bath:

Prepare 5 towels nearby.

I get 2 plastic basins - one where my guinea pigs have their bath, and the other where the water is into.  I check the water if it's too cold.  I definitely add warm water to the tap water.  Then I use a plastic cup to serve as their dipper.

I put the basins on the floor, so as to be sure that my guinea pigs wouldn't fall.

I ask the help of my Mom and my sister Michelle to firmly hold my guinea pigs.  They could panic when they feel the water.  Milky Way, MM, Kadbury do, and it's only Krunch who feels so relaxed with the water.  It could also protect the water from not getting it into their nose.

Then I use a Shampoo for Small Animals that I got from the vet.  Only use a small amount of shampoo, just enough to massage them with it.  Never get the shampoo near their mouth, eyes, and nose.  Shampoo them as quickly as possible, and rinse it right away.

After rinsing the shampoo carefully, I put my guinea pigs on the first towel and it would get wet so fast.  I would use the second towel to dry them better.  When it's already wet, I place them on the remaining towels, then use a hairdryer on them, in the lowest temperature.  Don't put the hairdryer directly on them.  The hairdryer must be placed far from them, just enough for the air to flow and reach their fur.  If it's too hot for your skin, then surely your guinea pigs feel the same as well, so always check its temperature.

Wrap them for some minutes with the towel, and by then, they are almost completely dry.

Milky Way is the first one who has her bath, because she takes the most time when bathing, with her beautiful long red hair ;)

Milky Way on her towel after bathing

MM is a quiet sweet baby, so she doesn't move much during her bath, but her wheeks sound like soft cries (which she rarely makes) from a baby :)

MM on her towel after bathing

Kadbury likes the water, and she would only move a lot when I put on the shampoo, and then makes her soft whining sound :)

Kadbury on her towel after bathing

Kadbury & Krunch are the most alert on meal time lol  On bath time, they still are the most watchful ;)  They sure are vigilant when Milky Way & MM have had their bath.  As they are waiting for their turn, they won't move much, unlike when they move around on meal time, and instead stay where they are and stay close with each other.

Milky Way & Krunch smell the sweet scent of Kadbury

Krunch is such a model in all situations... so composed!

Krunch on her towel after bathing

Surely they will have a nice sleep!!!! :D

Monday, July 23, 2012


Pretty Face Krunch
Usually, guinea pigs sleep with their eyes open.

When they are so relaxed though, you catch them sleeping with their eyes half-closed, or fully-closed.

You can know that they are sleeping even when their eyes are open, not only because they are lying down, but you can see their "dreamy eyes".

Just like Krunch here in the picture.  She is relaxing and sleeping.  It's as if she's daydreaming -  singing the song "My Favorite Things" from The Sound of Music - for her it's definitely ... veggies! ;)

What do you reckon your Piggy is daydreaming of?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Yeah Mom?!

Do guinea pigs know their names?

Yes they do!  They are able to recognize their names.  And learn them so fast.

MM was able to know hers in a month!

"Mom, why are you calling me?" :)

We called her by her name a lot, as we purposely wanted her to know her name, during her playtime and her mealtime - the time of the day when she was the most active.  I think it helped that her name is two-syllables.

So ever since, she has never forgotten her name MM.  Each time I call her, she certainly looks back.  When she's asleep, and it's veggie time, she doesn't need to recognize the scent of fresh veggies as we just call her by name, and she gets up right away.

Milky Way is also a very fast-learner.  I couldn't believe she learned her name during her first week!  Actually, I first noticed that she would respond with a nod when I'm addressing her.  Not when I'm talking about her, such as "Milky Way is so cute!".  She would only respond when she understood that it's her I was talking with, like "Milky Way, you are so cute!  Milky Way, you are a baby!  Milky Way, I'm your Mommy!".  At first, I thought it was random.  And then I noticed the same manner of nodding, each time I talked with her.

I asked my mom to see how Milky Way would react.  We dearly call her "Little Girl".  But after my mom saw how she had reacted, she told me to only call her by her name Milky Way only until we had no doubt that she knew that's her first name, so as not to make her confused which was which.

And in the next day, I tried calling her name without saying anything else.  At first, I thought she was not responding anymore.  And soon after, she surely knew she's Milky Way.  But only when it's me who's calling her - since I'm her mom! :p

"Yeah Mom?!!!"

Not only she looks around when she hears her name.  She would actively acknowledge my call with a nod, and since her fur is long, she responds with a flick of hair!  It's like she's saying, "Yeah Mom?! Eh?".

To check if Milky Way truly knows that that's her only name.  I would call her with the other names of our pets, and she won't care with that call at all!  She won't even look back.

And since then, she's never failed to answer back with a nod and a flick of hair.  Now she responds to whoever is calling her name.  There's no time that she wouldn't respond.  It's automatic for her to nod at the sound of my call, wherever she is during playtime, or when she's in her room.  I feel like at times, she thinks I'm a distraction, but still, she nods with the sound of "Milky Way!!!" ;)

Kadbury and Krunch don't react as much as MM and Milky Way do when I call them.  But I just know that they are aware of their names.  They don't look around when they hear their names each time. But they surely respond when they are relaxing, and suddenly they hear their names.  And especially, when it's feeding time!

It's better that the guinea piggies know their names. It would be easy to call them back when you left them wandering around.  It also brings more fondness between you!